Monday, January 16, 2012

Kingmaker Preliminaries

So, after a year long hiatus, the Pathfinder group resumed on 13 January 2012. Or, rather, most of it did. It had been my intention to start the Kingmaker AP, as I'd intended on doing right before our lengthy break, but one player was having some health issues and couldn't make it, so I delayed and instead ran the Beginner Box adventure for the three level two's that were present. They killed the Dragon on the first turn of the third round.

Turning to Kingmaker, here's a few things I'm going to have to consider:

1. There were a couple of one shot games around Christmas 2010 when the characters were originally rolled and, consequently, the party is starting out at level 2 (some of them about to hit level 3). Kingmaker, as written, begins @ 1st level.

What to do about this?

I'm considering either:

a. Beefing up encounters, or;

b. Slowing their XP progression down until they're back on the right pace. The second seems the better option as I don't want them to have to start fresh again, and I'd rather not start scaling up encounters, as that's a losing proposition as there'd be no end to it.

2. When the characters were originally rolled they were made for an all Norse campaign that I thought I'd like to run, using the brief and delightful campaign setting for the Vikings and Valkyries game. I still rather like the V&V world and as we have cleric of Thor and a half-giant barbarian in the party, I don't want to abandon it. So, I need to figure some way to fuse Brevoy and the River Kingdoms into V&V without creating too much work for myself in the process.

3. Knowing the group as I think I do, I'm pretty sure they'll leave the Kingmaker "path" at some point. Need to try and anticipate some of the twists they might throw.

You know, I've had a year to think about this. I should've used my time a little more wisely.